Aunty Cassandra Gibbs visits Preschool
Aunty Cassandra Gibbs engaged the children and educators in an Acknowledgment to Country ceremony which included an ochre blessing, a water blessing, and a yarning circle about these ceremonies the children just shared.
The children learnt Yuwalaraay, Gamilaraay and Yuwalayaay Nations key words, songs and greetings and an Emu dance with the Yuwalaraay song and clap sticks. The children heard the story Dhinawan the Emu and learnt about Emu eggs, nesting and lifecycle.
As our Artist in Residence during NAIDOC Week, Aunty Cassandra connected the children and educators to Country through art creating an Aboriginal Art Project where the children and educators learnt about Aboriginal art symbols and how to use these symbols to tell a story. Each child & educator put their personal story on a canvas which Aunty Cassandra gifted to WCP on behalf of her family who attend this service.